St. Louis Catholic School Enrichment Programs

Class Placement

  • Class placement is on a first come first serve basis.
  • Class emails with additional information will be emailed to families at the end of the registration period. Payment is required online via credit card during registration
  • If a program has hit maximum enrollment, you may register to join the waitlist. You will receive an email if a spot opens up and will receive an online manual form to complete. You will have 24 hours to complete the form.

Class Withdrawals & Refunds

During the registration period (Sept. 28-Oct. 12), you may withdraw your registration request for any reason. To request a withdrawal and/or a refund (if applicable), you must contact Baroody Camps at ([email protected]). After Oct. 12th, Baroody Camps cannot guarantee a full refund for any class(es). All refunds will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis & must be discussed with Baroody Camps directly. St. Louis or the St. Louis PTA is NOT responsible for issuing credits/cancellations for any of the classes. 

Arrivals to Programs

Teachers will receive an electronic and paper copy list of their students participating in Enrichment programs. They are asked but NOT required to remind students attend their programs.

  • For EDC programs - students should go straight from EDC to class.
  • For program available to all - EDC students should go straight from EDC to the Cafeteria for class.  All other students should go straight to the the Cafeteria for class.
Please also feel free to remind teachers and/or EDC staff that your child will be attending class.

Dismissal from Programs

It is imperative that you indicate the dismissal arrangements for your child on the registration form. Please note that it is not permissible to be late for pick-up. If you are late more than two times, your child will no longer be able to participate in the program. Please be aware that school personnel will not be available at this time to supervise your child.

  • Parent Pick-Up: Parents/caregivers must pick up children promptly at the front of the school, "carpools style".
  • Extended Day Care (EDC): Students attending EDC after school will be escorted to the appropriate location following the class.

Changes to dismissal: The On-Site Programs Coordinator will provide each St. Louis teacher and each enrichment programs instructor with a list of children participating in the various enrichment programs along with their dismissal instructions. You are responsible for notifying Baroody Camps of any changes to your child’s regular dismissal process from his/her after-school program. 

Snacks & Allergies

For Monday programs - Snacks will NOT be permitted at any time during programs.

For Wednesday programs - Snacks WILL BE permitted during the start of programs. Snacks are REQUIRED to be NUT-FREE.

Program providers will be given an allergy list of students participating in their class. If your child has a medical condition and/or allergy, serious or not, please indicate this at the time of registration.


Note: We do not have access to the health office during Enrichment programs.

Standards of Behavior

 We want to ensure that all students participating in the before and after-school enrichment programs enjoy the experience. In order for this to happen, it is expected that all students will conform to regular St Louis classroom and school rules and regulations while attending a program. The providers are all experienced Instructors and will use accepted classroom management techniques to allow misbehaving children to adjust. If a child continues to have difficulties, he or she will be removed from the class and be placed with the On-Site Programs Coordinator who will decide if and when to return the child to class that day. The On-Site Programs Coordinator will also inform the parents about the situation.

If a child is removed from a class a second time, that child will be withdrawn from that class for the remainder of the session. The School will be informed of this decision. No partial refunds will be given in these situations. We look to all parents to support our class providers so that all children can enjoy the after-school classes. 

Baroody Camps, Inc.         Follow us!          [email protected]          703.539.2602